Monday, September 14, 2015

Why "Classic" Men's Physique

OMG!! What a question!! I recently made a vlog about this that took no less than thirty minutes. Now mind you, I was talking to a camera and striving for brevity. Could you imagine if I had a co-host or if I was part of a round table discussion. I think Jim Manion hit the nail on the head. This new division is exactly what the doctor ordered. If you want to watch my half-hour rant, click here.

Phyisque is the future. I've been saying that for all of of 2013, 2014, and 2015. When you go to as many local and regional shows as I do, you start seeing the writing on the wall. Bodybuilding is simply not as marketable, not as popular, and most certainly not growing at the same rate as Physique.

But like all good things, it can be improved.

What happened with Physique was that it became too big, too fast. Initially it was supposed to be a mainstream-friendly division. Some people thought it would be a place for natural bodybuilders, others thought it would be a beach model search, & some figured they'd just go with it.

Over the years, the division has grown by leaps & bounds, creating a media signing frenzy. But as the bodies in bodybuilding get bigger and [in some cases] softer physiques are winning more shows in physique, there needs to be some middle ground. And I think the federation(s) got it right. Bodybuilding has already been split into two divisions (open & 212) so to split one more time would have created far too much confusion. Bodybuilding has two divisions, now physique will as well.

With, I hope to showcase some of today's talent, who I hope will compete in the forthcoming division. Make sure to check this page often, join our official facebook group, and follow us on Instagram & Twitter!!

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