In a great Post-Olympia interview with Tony Doherty for NPC News Online, top 3 Men's Physique competitors Sadik Hadzovic & Jason Poston were asked (3:40) about their thoughts of the newly formed Classic Men's Physique Division (scheduled to debut in 2016). Sadik, who had to answer first, expressed solidarity with the current division and stated he wouldn't move up. 3rd place finisher Jason Poston, however, seemed more open to the idea, stating "I"m a Men's Physique competitor who loves to pose..."
Aside from the added size the new division will allow for competitors, there's no question that its athletes will have more time to pose on stage. In fact, there may even be individual posing routines (this is something I will be investigating and pushing for). I think it would be great for the CMP competitors to have even 60 seconds to play a song or mix, pose for the judges/audience, and really have an opportunity to showcase 12-16 weeks of preparation.
In closing, I'm still not totally convinced that Sadik wouldn't move up. He's 2nd in the world and may be playing it safe or playing it by ear. He has a lot to lose, from being so close to the gold, he can taste it. Perhaps the idea of starting from scratch in a division that could potentially include dormant IFBB Natural Pro Bodybuilders, tons of former IFBB MPD Pro's scored down for their size & ultra-ripped look, and/or a whole wave of guys coming from the NPC with bigger legs, v-tapers, and full on vacuum poses that may be seen at the 2016 Olympia CMP... who knows if his reluctance to move up is based on that? To be quite honest, Sadik has the poster look for Classic Men's Physique, especially when 3x Mr. Olympia Frank Zane assessed his physique and made the comments he did.
In any event, it's going to be an interesting 3-6 months. Who knows who will switch up or switch down to compete in this brand new division.
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